Simply Giving at Zion
Simply Giving at Zion is a convenient way to make ongoing or one-time, regular or special monetary offerings. You’ll first need to sign up, and then you can make any offering electronically.
Vanco Services, the provider of Simply Giving, supports electronic giving to over 11,000 congregations & non-profit organizations and is endorsed by Thrivent Financial. Vanco maintains a high level of security and no personal information is shared with any other party. All information provided will be kept highly confidential.
Intro to electronic giving
Electronic giving programs make contributing easier as donations are transferred automatically from your checking or savings account to Zion’s. Not only is it convenient, but it provides much-needed consistency in giving.
You can designate donations for:
General/Operating, Capital Campaign, Initial, Altar Flowers, Ash Wednesday, Lenten Wednesdays, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter, Thanksgiving, Christmas and Special.
Set-up and changes are done online and you can make changes as often as you like.
For each category you can give One Time, Weekly, Monthly, Semi-Monthly (1st and 15th), Quarterly and Annually.
You will also continue to receive envelopes, so if you choose you can do a mix of electronic giving and envelope giving. You will also receive the same giving reports reflecting both your electronic giving and envelope giving.
Signing up through Simply Giving at Zion
When you sign up for this, you will need to “Create Your Profile.” It will ask for your email address and then for you to designate a password (8 characters with letters and at least 1 number). You can then indicate your planned donations, frequency, and start date (at least 3 business days in the future). It will then ask for your checking or savings account information and personal details. You will receive e-mails confirming that your profile has been set-up and any planned donations. Thereafter, you need only to use your e-mail and password to log on to add planned donations or change previously planned donations.
If you have any questions or need assistance setting up electronic giving , please call Barb or email her at barbaralschulz@gmail.com.
Sunday Worship
9:30 AM Holy Communion service
Live-streamed on YouTube
8:30 AM Sunday School
During the school year