Welcome to Zion


Zion Lutheran Church has been sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ in the heart of Long Valley, New Jersey since 1760. Zion is a small, vibrant and caring congregation that warmly welcomes visitors.

Join us for Sunday worship


We gather for Sunday worship at 9:30AM and we also live-stream the service via our YouTube channel. Sunday worship always includes Holy Communion.


We enjoy getting together for food and fellowship through congregational dinners, potlucks, Lenten soup suppers, etc…   “Care” and “community” are two words that well describe Zion.

We care about children and youth

We like to say that youth aren’t the future of the church, they are our present. (pictured: VBS closing program)

upcoming worship


Virtual worship via Zion’s YouTube channel

Bulletin and insert for this coming Sunday’s worship (and festivals as they occur). Posted Fridays.


Register for Sunday School

Register for Sunday School

Sunday School begins on 9/8 and is for children age 3 through 8th grade.  You can register and attend at any time during the year.



10/6 Celebration Dinner

10/6 Celebration Dinner

The stewardship team invites you to a celebration dinner to “Count God’s Blessings” to Zion with a photo review of the many ways God has blessed us.  RSVP here

College Connection

College Connection

We take care of our college kids with amazing care packages:  Please bring donations of individually wrapped snacks to include in the care packages (e.g., cookies, popcorn, chips, granola bars, candy) by 9/22. We will pack them together on 9/29 during Coffee Hour.



Zion now accepts donations via Venmo.

Payments can be made to
Please note that Venmo only allows a one time payment, so if you choose to give through Venmo, an individual transaction would have to be set up each time you give. Please be sure to indicate what your payment is for – ie general offering, VBS, flowers, etc. Simply Giving is still an option, and nothing has changed regarding any account

Sunday Worship

9:30 AM Holy Communion service
Live-streamed on YouTube

8:30 AM Sunday School 
During the school year
