Adult choir
Adult choir is made up of about 30 people which helps to lead the traditional worship service. Rehearsals are Thursday evenings at 7PM (for more info, please speak to Music Director Marilyn Hibler)
Vocalists are assigned in small groups of 2 – 3 and accompany the contemporary worship service. Rehearsals for vocalists and musicians (e.g., guitar, drums, percussion) are Saturday mornings at 8:30AM (for more info, please speak to Music Director Marilyn Hibler)
Adult bell choir
Adult bell choir plays for festival Sundays and special occasions and rehearsal is typically 1-2 months prior at 6PM on Thursdays (for more info, please contact Marlena
Children’s bells/chimes
Children’s bells and chimes also play for festival Sundays such as Palm Sunday. Rehearsals take place during the Sunday School opening (Sunday School is also from September – May).
Sunday Worship
9:30 AM Holy Communion service
Live-streamed on YouTube
8:30 AM Sunday School
During the school year